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Making Your Motivational Monday Last

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It’s Wednesday. How’s your week going so far? Counting the minutes until Friday? Or still feeling motivated from that new week feeling on Monday?

There’s nothing like a successful Monday to get your motivation really going! Plus, I just started a new job! I am so excited for this new opportunity and to continue growing with my new focus on Life With Elisabeth. *This post contains affiliate links.

No worries, this isn’t going to be another “starting fresh” post. This one is going to give you advice on how to make that motivational Monday feeling last through the whole week!

Motivational Monday All Week Long

When Monday morning rolls around, half of us feel tired and like we need constant caffeine to make it through. The other half of us are so excited for the new challenges and experiences of the upcoming week! Typically, I’m the one who’s pretty excited about the new stuff coming up. A new week gives so much opportunity to start fresh and undo all the bad eating and drinking that took place over the weekend. We’re able start strong and on the right foot no matter what the weekend held.

Make meal prep Sunday (or Monday) a thing in your household. Make breakfast and lunch for every day of the week and write out what you’ll have for dinner each night. Motivated to lose a pound this week? Make those meals reflect that! The things you’re feeding your body are going to make the biggest impact on the number on the scale. Check out some of my tips for meal prep here!

Daily and Weekly Planning

Plan, plan, plan. Okay have you gotten the idea that I’m a planner?? Get completely ready for each week on Sunday. Get out your Day Designer Planner and lay out the week ahead. Every single detail – especially your meal prep menus and workouts! Not only does this hold you accountable for your workouts and your meals, but it lets you know what to expect for the week ahead.

Maybe you’ve got kiddos and need to organize basketball practices, girl scouts, and sleepovers. This planner will break down your weeks and days, hour by hour.

Sort your meetings and appointments, along with all the details you need to keep your blog running efficiently. This one is made for everyone!

Daily Routine

Set out your workout clothes and work outfit the night before. Such a simple task can allow you a few extra minutes of sleep each morning! Every night I pack my gym bag with work clothes and anything I’ll need to get ready in the morning. I lay out my workout clothes so I don’t have to worry about choosing an outfit that matches when I’m still half asleep. Lots of people have told me they even sleep in their gym outfit the night before!

Aim to get your workout finished first thing in the morning. Doing so will boost your metabolism and give you all the endorphins to get through even the toughest days. You’ll get through the day feeling stronger and more awake. Plus, you’ll be able to go straight home after work instead of heading to the gym during the busiest times.

Get your matcha or green tea in first thing. Add collagen peptides to your matcha or even to your tea for an awesome bonus. After using one scoop of collagen in my matcha for four days, I noticed softer skin, stronger hair, and my sore muscles and joints felt SO much better than before. Plus it adds some protein to your beverage so it can be used as a meal supplement!

Sleep! Being sleep deprived will only hinder that motivational Monday feeling, so be sure to get at least 6.5-8 hours of sleep each night. If you’re like me, 8 hours just isn’t manageable every single night. Make an effort to keep your bedroom at a cool temperature, make your bed every morning, and flip your mattress and pillows frequently to get the best support for your body.

Adding these four things to your daily routine may not seem like much, but they’re all things that you will thank yourself for later! I guarantee it!

Weekly Goal

On Sunday evening, when you’re planning out the week, write down one thing you want to accomplish before the following Sunday. Waking up on Monday morning with that little push will drive your motivation for the week (hence the phrase, motivational Monday!). When thinking about your goal, break down the tasks you’ll need to complete in order to achieve the final product. Working on it a little each day will make it more manageable and the reward for completing it will be so much sweeter!

This goal can be anything! From publishing a new post on your blog, to making it to the gym 5 days this week – whatever it is, push yourself to accomplish something new!


You’ve been working hard each day to implement new habits into your routine and to achieve your goal of the week. Take some time on Saturday to recognize everything you’ve accomplished or didn’t get to during the week. Chances are, you got a lot more done than you thought! If not, that’s okay! We all have off weeks. If you did, congrats!! Now start thinking about what you can do next week. Use your Erin Condren notebook to track your progress.

Even if you didn’t reach your full goal last week, write out what you’ll do the following week to finish it!


Your Turn!

Whatever your motivation is, make it last! So many of us want to lead healthier lives. So many of us want to lose 30 pounds, spend more time with those we love, eat more veggies and less meat, or run a successful blog.

Share with me your goal and what you’re doing to achieve it! How do you keep that Motivational Monday feeling alive all week long?

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