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Stuck In A Rut?

hiking at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado

Recently I returned from another trip to one of my absolute favorite places – Denver, Colorado. You can read my initial impressions about Denver in this post to get an idea of exactly how I’m feeling about this incredible city.

I’ve truly never experienced somewhere so inspiring. Returning home has me feeling frustrated and almost stuck in my current day-to-day life. How depressing is that? Something about Colorado makes me want to completely start over in all aspects. Life there is so easy-going and 90% of the people I encountered genuinely seemed happy. The weather is gorgeous, the scenery is outstanding, and the overall atmosphere is everything I could imagine for my new home.

Will I Be Here Forever?

Is there anyone out there who feels like they’re stuck in a rut and/or capable of so much more than the life you’re living? I certainly do. Y’all already know that when I was young, I had a much different life planned out for myself than the one I’m currently living. I realize the path to success is not straight and it certainly isn’t easy. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t just plain suck.

It would be easy to sit here and complain for this entire post about how disappointed I am with my current situation. Instead I’m going to provide some motivation for myself & anyone else who is feeling the same!

Mediocre Life

Not too long ago, I saw an article circulating on Facebook about living a mediocre life and that’s all some people want. At first it hit me like a ton of bricks. How on earth could anyone want to live a mediocre life? It’s a completely foreign concept to me – one I cannot even begin to understand. But now I realize that’s okay. Each person is living their own life and it’s not up to me to decide how exceptionally they want to live. If they are happy, I’m truly happy for them.

For my life, however, I’m going to push myself. In all aspects. Here’s how.

Feeling Inspired

Finally launching this blog, finally starting Pure Barre, and taking a solo trip to an unfamiliar place are just a few ways I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone over the last few years. None of these things were easy. Pure Barre continues to kick my seat every day and I learn something new every single day about blogging for business. These are challenges I was scared to face for so long but that have rewarded me so much.

The things that scare us the most are usually the things that reward us the most. If it scares you to death, you’re doing it right. It’s never easy to make a decision in order to change your life. But it’s a whole lot harder to be stuck in some kind of misery or unhappiness when you know you’re capable of achieving so much.

Are you feeling inspired today? What is one goal that you want to accomplish in the next 30 days? Just one.

Write down this goal. Post it on a cork board or somewhere you’ll see it every single day. Dress it up, make it colorful. Seeing it every day will remind you to push yourself. Break down this goal into projects and break up the projects into tasks. No matter what your goal is, breaking it up into small tasks will help you achieve more every day. Every 30 days, create a new goal. By writing down these goals and accomplishing them task by task, you’ll move closer toward not being stuck in a rut! Plus with a deadline and small tasks, your goal will be much more attainable.

Stuck in a Rut No More

Is a move to Colorado in my near future? Abso-freaking-lutely. Am I scared to death? No doubt about it. It’s just another thing in life that I’m going to push myself to accomplish. Maybe I won’t stay forever. Maybe I won’t love it like I think I will. But what if I do? What if it’s everything I could have ever dreamed of in a home?

I’ve applied for jobs. Following the advice I gave you all in my post about finding your passion, I’ve (finally!) narrowed down the career path I want to take. And I’m acting on it. At 26 years old, unmarried, with no kids, in a job I do not love, there is truly no better time to reach for my dreams. All of them. Once I have kids or am married or am in a real career, it will be a whole lot harder to make such a huge life change.

This isn’t about moving across the country and starting over. It’s simply about reaching for your dreams. Everyone has a dream, right? No matter how big or how small. Trust that there is the perfect place for you. Have trust that the career of a lifetime is out there. Trust that your life will fall into place once you really start working for it. You cannot expect to excel if you do not work for it. If you don’t want to settle for a mediocre life, take some chances. Taking a big chance might just lead you to everything you’ve been dreaming of.

Your Turn!

Share in the comments your one goal for the next 30 days. We can reach them together! Once you share your goal, tell me one thing you’ve been wanting to do or try but have been afraid of failure. We’re all going to be vulnerable with this one! If you’re stuck in a rut, let’s talk about it. We’re in this together, I promise.


Remember: Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.

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